February 2022 Health Goal Update

I wanted to give a quick update on my health goal for the year. Feel free to check out my previous blog post where I talked about the health goals I have set for 2022. My long term goal is to weigh 200 lbs by the end of 2022.

I started on January 3rd at 248lbs.

Today, I’m currently weighing in around 245lbs.

That puts me at about a loss of 1/2 lb per week. I still have 45.6 lbs left to reach my goal weight. If I stick to the 1/2 lb per week, it would take me until the end of 2023 to reach my goals. I don’t want to wait that long.

Right now, there are 47 weeks left in the year.

I think it’s time to push myself to lose 1.5 - 2 pounds per week. If I fail and only lose one pound, I’ll still reach my goals.

New connected medium-term goal

I want to weigh 239 lbs by February 26th, 2022. That puts my target at two pounds per week for a total of three weeks.

I obviously need to make some changes to actually achieve this goal. Here’s what I’m doing.

  1. I’m going to step up my calorie tracking. I have been using MyFitnessPal for tracking calories, but have recently slacked off on that. I stopped after a weekend where it was harder to keep track of meals. I’m going to get back to using it every day.
  2. Increase my exercise time. I started strong with riding on an exercise bike every day and using free weights every other day, but have found myself slacking in this area over the last few weeks. This happened after the off-weekend too. I’m recommitting to doing this again.
  3. I just purchased James Clear’s book about Atomic Habits. I’ve heard amazing things about this book and think it will be good for me to set small, achieveable goals in my daily life. I’m committing to read this book over the next three weeks as well.

Weight Chart

01/04/2022248.0 lbs
01/10/2022247.8 lbs
01/15/2022247.0 lbs
01/20/2022246.0 lbs
01/27/2022247.2 lbs
01/30/2022245.6 lbs
02/04/2022245.6 lbs